Everport Terminal Services has launched its appointment system this week at Pierce County Terminal. There have been a few reports of issues securing appointment in which eModal has been able to assist and resolve the issue. ETS encourages truckers to continue making appointments and report any issues you may have to the eModal help desk (helpdesk@emodal.com) and the ETS yard/ gate group email (tiwyard@everport-terminals.com).

For your reference, the following summarizes key points of interest along with a reference table showing the requirements for various transactions:

  • Appointment slots will open 7 days in advance (subject to change).
  • Appointments for the next day will close daily at 1200 PST. For most transactions same day appointments will only be possible if an appointment was canceled the day of. See the reference table below for transaction types authorized for same day appointments.
  • Appointments will be for one-hour slots with 30-minute grace periods on each end of the hour. Each appointment therefore is valid for two hours when including grace periods.
  • Reefer empty-out, reefer export-in, free-flow import-out, and wheeled import-out transactions will require an appointment for an estimated arrival time, however the appointment will be good for the entire day.