Effective June 1, 2020, Washington United Terminals will be implementing an appointment system through eModal, which is used at other terminals and will therefore be familiar to the trucking community. Specific scale lanes will be established and enforced. These will be lanes 1 through 4 (lanes 1 & 2 are bob-tails and import appointments; lanes 3 & 4 import appointments only).

Drivers without an appointment will be directed to leave the terminal and return to the staging lanes where they can attempt a same day appointment if any are available. WUT strongly encourages not waiting until the last free day to make an appointment. 

At this time an appointment will be needed for imports that are in the RTG run only (row 17, 27, 37, 57, 67, 77). Wheeled imports and those set up for peel-off are not requiring an appointment at this time. In the near future WUT plans to implement the system for all transactions.