The Northwest Seaport Alliance, Port of Tacoma, and Port of Seattle honored with AAPA Lighthouse Award for Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy


The Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy, a four-port collaboration aimed at reducing diesel emissions and limiting global temperature rise was recognized by AAPA for being a beacon of excellence in the industry.

SEATTLE + TACOMA — The Northwest Seaport Alliance, Port of Tacoma, Port of Seattle, and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority were honored with an American Association of Port Authorities’ (AAPA) Lighthouse Award for environmental improvement and comprehensive environmental management.  The award was given during the AAPA’s Annual Convention opening ceremony.

“We greatly appreciate the AAPA for recognizing our work on the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy. We have committed to an ambitious vision that will require unprecedented investment and collaboration across ports and industry,” said Commissioner Ang. “It is important to reduce our environmental impact and we hope we can be a beacon for others in the industry to join us in working toward zero-emission seaport activities by 2050.”

The Northwest Ports of Seattle, Tacoma, the combined container operations of The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) alongside the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority committed to a new vision earlier this year to phase out emissions from seaport-related activities by 2050. In collaboration among the four ports, the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy seeks to meet this target through changes in equipment, fuels, and infrastructure, supporting cleaner air for local communities, and fulfilling the ports’ shared responsibility to help limit global temperature rise.

The AAPA recognizes the best practices in the port industry across five port areas: Communications, Environmental Improvement, Information Technology, Facilities Engineering, and Cruise. Port of Tacoma Commissioner and NWSA Managing Member Commissioner Kristin Ang received the award on behalf of the collaboration.

Building upon the partnerships and successes of the last decade, the ports’ commitment recognizes the urgency of the climate crisis and the need to reduce diesel emissions, especially in areas where air quality is poor, while ensuring the continuity and competitiveness of the ports. 

The Northwest Ports are individually releasing port-specific plans to implement the 2020 Strategy vision and objectives across their unique operations and businesses and will continue to report annually on the progress. Port-specific implementation plans enable ports to identify, prioritize, and focus resources on actions in a way that is strategic and relevant to their business and policy contexts, and the regions where they operate while still maintaining the long-standing collaborative effort. 

To learn more about the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy and the implementation plans visit:

Port of Tacoma

Port of Seattle

The Northwest Seaport Alliance


About the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy

The Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy (Strategy) is a collaborative effort between the Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, The Northwest Seaport Alliance, and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority in British Columbia (Northwest Ports) to reduce air and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping and port operations in the ports' shared airshed.

First adopted in 2008, the Strategy was the first of its kind in the Port community. The Strategy seeks to encourage environmental action above competition and created a means for the four Northwest Ports to work collectively and voluntarily to reduce emissions. The 2020 Strategy sets a new vision to phase out emissions from seaport-related activities by 2050, supporting cleaner air for our local communities and fulfilling our shared responsibility to help limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

