NWSA managing members to consider 2018 budget at two upcoming meetings

The Northwest Seaport Alliance’s managing members have scheduled two public meetings to consider the alliance’s 2018 budget and finance plan.

The first budget meeting on Oct. 24 will include an in-depth look at the 2018 operating budget, 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan and 2019-2022 financial forecast. Managing Members will invite public comment at this meeting.

People are encouraged to attend the Oct. 24 meeting to hear how the NWSA’s budget is formed and provide input before the budget vote at the Nov. 7 meeting.

The draft budget document will be available Oct. 24 on the NWSA’s website, and hard copies of the presentation will be available at both meetings.

At the Nov. 7 meeting the Managing Members will vote on the 2018 operating budget, 2018-2022 capital plan and contribution of funds to the NWSA for capital construction.

The Oct. 24 meeting will be held at 10 a.m. in the Beijing Room at The Conference Center at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, 17801 International Boulevard in SeaTac. The Nov. 7 meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. in Room 104 of the Fabulich Center at 3600 Port of Tacoma Rd. in Tacoma. Meetings also are streamed live from the alliance’s website and archived for viewing on demand.